Monday, February 20, 2012



Am) strength: back squat 3x3
Good morning 3x10

Skill: 3x 10 strict toe to bars
30 seconds trx plank

Pm) wod 1: 3 person wod
5 rounds:
80m run(1/2 sand 1/2 concrete
Max db thrusters(27#)
Max kb swing (53#)

Wod 2: 4 rounds each for time:
60m shuttle run in sand
40m kb drag in sand(53#)

Wod 3: max distance wheelbarrow walk in sand

Wod 4: 40m sprint in sand

A lot of volume today and I was loving it!.. I learned that a week off feels great on the muscles and joints, but that first day back is a little tricky... We met up with the owner of wodtours, he trains out of a boxing gym that has some crossfit stuff too..I felt very weak on the squats, not sure if it was just fatigue from travel, dehydration, not enough food, or just weak from taking a week off... Either way the weight was heavy!.. I got 315,325 then tried 360 and didn't even get one so I went back down to 315...even though these number are way less than what I've done in near past I'm not really discouraged.. My body felt very empty and powerless, but nonetheless it felt good to feel some heavy weight...we hit 3x10 good morning at 135#' and finished with w 3x10 strict toe to bars....I'll make another post about the conditioning workout later, they were pretty brutal and we did them at an amazing place..that's all the time I have for now though

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